Lead Level Designer (multiplayer)
Endrant Studios
2009 – PC, Xbox 360, PS

Wolfenstein is an id Software game developed by Raven Software, Threewave Software, and Endrant Studios – who joined the project to complete the online multiplayer component of the game.

As Lead Level Designer – I hired, trained and developed the level design team. I assessed the scope of work necessary to modify all eight level layouts to accommodate game design changes, reduce the overall footprint of the levels for smaller team sizes, and remix existing areas to improve combat flow.

Lighting to catch the player’s attention and highlight a route

I adjusted the lighting in all eight multiplayer maps to help player navigation and improve real-time rendering performance.

Real-time dynamic shadows will be cast from players above

The multiplayer levels re-used many environment model assets from the singleplayer game but these 3D models required a lot of optimisation for our multiplayer game engine. I optimised many assets using Maya and Lightwave, greatly reducing the poly count and texture memory to improve scene performance while maintaining the quality of the levels.

More lighting to catch the player’s attention and highlight routes